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優質大腦計劃創辦人 王冠雄 予以文海畫評


2004年7月 , 唐竹賢女士(文海的母親)帶文海來到我的工作室 , 參加當時正在進行中的"優質大腦計畫" (Brain Enhancement Program) , 這項計劃係針對自閉症及學習障礙兒童而設計 , 異於一般傳統及其他另類療法 , 藉由各種不同頻率及能量的輸入 , 有效提升與改善腦部的生化作用 , 由於 "腦部可塑性" (Brain Plasticity) , 使其大腦皮質、腦神經系統、內分泌系統及新陳代謝機能整體的提昇 , 促進思考能力 , 語言表達 , 感覺認知 , 情緒穩定的進步。

我第一次看到文海的繪畫創作是在2005年的年底 , 文海的母親首次向我展示了幾幅文海的畫作:螳螂(2004) , 幾幅不同造型的機器人(2004) , 恐龍(2005) , 烏鴉吃西瓜(2005)以及幾幅動物和水果的水彩畫。初次看到這些畫作 , 內心真有無限的感受 , 色弱的文海 , 竟然能在繪畫的領域能有如此驚人的進步 , 除了驚喜之外 , 更覺得有成就感。

文海2004年的畫作 , 筆觸清晰 , 規律 , 不越界 , 色彩單純。2005年後的作品 , 可以看到他逐漸的表現自在放任 , 並且逐漸成熟。自此突飛猛進。不僅空間概念精準 , 色彩的運用 , 渲染的技巧 , 陰陽面的表現 , 在在呈現出藝術界明日之星的專業氣勢。

文海的努力與成就 , 更再一次的打破了以往一般人對自閉症及學習障礙患者們(learning handicap)的誤解與偏見 , 認為他們什麼都不會也沒有學習的能力 。目前住在蘇格蘭的里察.華洛(Richard Wawro)更是國際知名自閉症畫家 , 其作品連英國首相與教宗都收藏。文海是何其的幸運 , 因為他有一位永遠不放棄他的母親 , 更令人不禁婉惜許多天才的被埋沒 , 沉淪於永無止境的孤獨中 , 終其一生。

文海的成就正代表著一位偉大的母親再一次創造了孩子 "生命的奇蹟" , 唐竹賢女士多年來孜孜不息 , 不放棄任何的機會 , 不斷的要求文海從事多項技能的學習 , 累積出他基本的學習能力 , 在經過 "優質大腦計劃"(BEP)的腦能提升後 , 統合並增進了腦部的各種功能 , 文海像海綿般的快速吸收成長 , 展現出他潛在奔放的藝術天份 , 在靜態的畫中 , 生動的表現出內心的熱情與訴求。
我對文海寄予無限的期望 , 也為唐竹賢女士感到驕傲 , 她的偉大不僅僅救贖了自己的孩子 , 也激勵了全天下特殊孩子的母親。

Rex F. Wang/ Brain Enhancement Program Founder
December 2007

Beyond the Limitation

Ms. JS Tarng (VH's mother) brought VH to my studio in July 2004 for Brain Enhancement Program (BEP). The BEP was focused on children with autism and learning disabilities. BEP, unlike traditional medical or alternative treatments, uses different wave frequencies and energy input to improve and enhance the brain's biochemical function, improves cerebral cortex, neuron system, endocrine system and metabolism through "Brain plasticity", and enhances thinking ability, language expression, cognition, and moods stabilization.

The first time I saw VH's paintings in late 2005, Ms. Tarng showed me several of VH's water color paintings, Mantis (2004), Robot (2004), Dinosaur (2005) and Crows Ate Watermelon (2005), Animals and Fruits. These were very impressive. I felt so surprised that VH can have such amazing improvements in art/painting area, even with his color weakness. I am proud of his achievements.

VH's paintings in 2004 were simple designs, clean, precise within boundaries and using simple colors. His paintings in 2005 started showing maturation and self-consciousness. From that point on, he displayed the remarkable perception and coordination in the arts and further expresses his imagination with more complicated detailed artwork. His use and understanding spatial relationship, color application, expression skills, light and shade appearance display his art talent to be a star in the near future.

VH's hard work and achievements broke the general public's misconception and prejudice that people with autism or any other learning handicap lost their learning ability. An internationally renowned autistic artist, Mr. Richard Wawro, who lives in Scotland presently, has his paintings being collected by the prime minister of United Kingdom and the Vatican Pope.

VH is lucky to have a mother not giving him up. It is pity that there are many talented children with autism and other learning handicaps who were never given a chance to express their clandestine talents and end up shunned away from society.

VH's achievements represent another great mother who is creating her child's "miracle of life". Ms. Tarng still never gives up any opportunity to encourage VH to learn various skills to accumulate his basic learning ability. After BEP enhanced VH's brain energy level and the functions, VH absorbs knowledge like a sponge, grows fast in his art potentials, and shows his passion and expressions in his paintings.
I give VH my best wishes, and I am proud of Ms. Tarng. Her greatness is not only saving her child, and also encourages other mothers with special needs children.

Rex F. Wang/ Brain Enhancement Program Founder
December 2007